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The founding collection of the Antiquarium Arborense is the Pischedda collection, acquired by the Municipality of Oristano from the scholar Efisio Pischedda. It shows a large number of archaeological finds which date back to different ages (Neolithic, Nuragic, Punic and Roman period), coming from the city of Tharros and the Sinis Peninsula.
The other archaeological collections are:
- Carta
- Sanna Delogu
- Pau
- Cominacini- Boy
- Vitiello- D'Urso
The Museum houses more than 10.000 archaeological finds and, in addition, a number of objects left by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici since 1945 or seized in the province.
The picture gallery houses masterpieces as the retablo di San Martino (15th century), the retablo del Santo Cristo (1533) by Pietro Cavaro, and the retablo della Madonna dei Consiglieri (1565) by Antioco Mainas.
On the first floor there are the plastic model of Tharros (4th century AD) and the plastic model of Oristano (14th century AD) during the age of the Giudicati, when the city was defended by imposing walls.
The Antiquarium Arborense is the only museum in Sardinia with a section for blind and visually impaired people, where it is possible to touch the details of the most beautiful manufactures of the museum and the reproductions of valuable artefacts of Oristano’s cultural heritage.