Antiquarium Arborense - Museo archeologico Giuseppe Pau OristanoAntiquarium Arborense - Museo archeologico Giuseppe Pau Oristano

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Antiquarium Arborense
Piazza Corrias, 09170 Oristano - Tel: 0783 791262 -

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Archaeological finds

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Navicella a protome bovina. Artigianato sardo. Bronzo. VIII sec. a.C. Ghilarza.
Navicella a protome bovina. Artigianato sardo. Bronzo. VIII sec. a.C. Ghilarza.
© Antiquarium Arborense - Museo archeologico Giuseppe Pau Oristano
Piazza Corrias, 09170 Oristano  |   Tel: 0783 791262  | ConsulMedia 2012

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