Antiquarium Arborense - Museo archeologico Giuseppe Pau OristanoAntiquarium Arborense - Museo archeologico Giuseppe Pau Oristano

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Antiquarium Arborense
Piazza Corrias, 09170 Oristano - Tel: 0783 791262 -

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Collection highlights: cup with handle

Neolithic cup with handle

16 maggio 2020

This cup with handle belongs to the Pischedda Collection, the main collection of the Antiquarium Arborense.

It dates back to the Final - Middle Neolithic or Late Neolithic period and it was found in the Sinis Peninsula.

It belongs to the prenuragic Culture of San Ciriaco. 

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© Antiquarium Arborense - Museo archeologico Giuseppe Pau Oristano
Piazza Corrias, 09170 Oristano  |   Tel: 0783 791262  | ConsulMedia 2012

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